Friday 15 January 2016

“ Waiting for Godot” BY Samuel Beckett

                                        “ Waiting for Godot”

           Samuel Barclay Beckett  13 April 1906 – 22 December 1989) was an Irish avant-gardenovelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet, who lived in Paris for most of his adult life and wrote in both English and French. He is widely regarded as among the most influential writers of the 20th century.

              Beckett's work offers a bleak, tragicomic outlook on human existence, often coupled with black comedy and gallows humour, and became increasingly minimalist in his later career. He is considered one of the last modernist writers, and one of the key figures in what Martin Esslin called the "Theatre of the Absurd."

              The French play’ Waiting for godot’ written by Samuel Beckett. it is a classic play. the ‘waiting for godot’ the central theme is ‘Nothingness’ but nothingness create something is there also the play. the play it’s a part of ‘ Theatre of Absurd’  the absurd theatre name was given by martin Esslin –also we can say that word absurd like musical tone the music is start but if the some music tone are miss so this type of situation like Absurd.

          Waiting for Godot as a comedy inspired by Charley  Chaplin.  the opening of the play setting in country road and tree two tramps . the tramps are very interesting characters in the play. there are altery fail  human being. the tramps are not an common man but the out cast of people.
for example :

       “Iceman Commenth”

             The structure of the play is repetitive. the repetitive  of human nature. the waiting for godot as a comic tragedy and also it is hilarious comedy. here, we can see the two tramps they are waiting for the name of GODOT.  They don’t know who is godot ? and godot will come or not ? but they waiting for godot. however, the two tramps like Vladimir and Estragon. at the country road they entertaining and dancing. the character of Vladimir is a more mature rather than Estragon. and he always reminder the think and the character estragon always forgotten the think.

             Here, also we can find that another two character of lucky and pozzo. the relation between master and slave.

            also we can say that one of the hungry of thought and other the hungry of mind. but nothingness perhaps remain in the play.

           However, in whole play estragon and Vladimir both are waiting for godot but godot never comes. at the last Act-1 and Act-2. the little boy coming and Vladimir ask them when godot is come or not and little boy replies him , “Today will not come but tomorrow he will come”.

           In this line we can defined that hope remain there in the play in both characters. we can see the different kind of human being. some are higher and lower thinking human being and different level of thinking.

        Waiting for godot an tell a story it is tell as the static situation explained also the play optimistic ruler pessimistic and waiting becomes interesting in the play.

       In the play ‘waiting for godot’ the main subject is ‘waiting’ and waiting is centre. always human condition and wait for something it’s also very essential condition of waiting.

“waiting for something and prepared something throughout life we waiting something”

        It’s all about the infinity goes on throughout life. also we can say that godot is a idea about the ‘death’ and waiting is to expresses the action of time.

        However, we can see the existentialism in waiting for godot. there are many great novelist or critic gave the own idea about the existentialism in the play. like the Soren Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Edmund Husserl, Kafka, Satre, Beckett, Camus, etc.……

      at last we can say that,

“Life is absurd but it is Necessary”

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