Monday 28 December 2015

The Fakeer Of Jungheera

                                The Fakeer Of JungheeraImage result for the fakeer of jungheera

               Derozio was an indian poet and assianst  headmaster of hindu collage Kolkata a radical thinker and the first indian educators to disseminate western learning science among the young men of Bengal.
             Henry Derozio wrote wonderful poems in english ‘the Fakeer of Jungheera’ the poem is one of the most significant landmark in the history of patriotic poetry in india. The poem write in this days Bengal faced many problems of caste and creed. In the poem ‘ the Fakeer of Jungheera’ Derozio mixed the tantric , hindu, mythological, Islamic and Christian tradition. Henry Derozio got the idea about writing the poem of spiritual love from baital pachisi. As the story goes, if king vikram remains steadfast in his love for his queen , he can resurrect her and once more both can find happiness together.
              Here, we can also compare the fakeer and naleeni are star crossed lovers like Romeo and Juliet. The poem ‘ The Fakeer of Jungheera’ fakeer is the followers of Islam. Fakeer means saint a person who has renounced the world but here fakeer loves a lady naleeni . who is married and also an upper caste female . naleeni was married to a Brahmin man. Her husband dies in an early youth also naleeni the beloved of fakeer never loved her husband.
              In the day of henry Derozio , indian subcontinent was caught by many evils like ‘sati-partha’ killing girl child by boiling the still born baby in the hot pot of milk etc,…….. naleeni belonged to a conservative hindu society in the 19th century naleeni was pure and beautiful she doesn’t want to end her life behind a person whom she never loved. Naleeni was brought to be the spot where her husband is to be cremated.
           Naleeni loved the fakeer and society blamed her. So woman were singing song praising sati they sung of going to die on the funeral pure of her husband and escape with the bandit fakeer to his in Jungheera to a life from death. Naleeni escaped death but she stars a life of forbidden love though  frightened by violent social norms. She believes that her lover’s corrage and her unfailing love will finally make them victorious. 
          Henry Derozio sees love between a hindu and Muslim as transcending religious categories in colonial Bengal lays.
             The end of the tragic love story naleeni dies with the person whom she loved. She became a free agent to choose her destiny . in ancient time in our country women were allowed to choose their life partner on their own. The secular and universal ideas that Derozio exposes in his poetry do not go well with the separatist and divisionary politics of modern india.
           These are some of the revisionist , consequences of modernity however the model of social life that emerged in the early 19th century in response to modernity in india now take as beyond modernity into the information age.


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