Monday 21 December 2015


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                                  - John Keats       

                         The poem ‘ Isabella’ written by John Keats. In this Poem ‘Isabella’ is Something of an experiment for Keats and is mixture of tone poignant , romantic tragedy on the one hand a rather than dry, distanced narrative tone on the other  Isabella or the pot of Basil was one of the Keats’s early narrative poems written in 1818. The Poem Isabella is divided into four parts.
·      The Love of Lorenzo and Isabella .
·      The Murder of Lorenzo by her Brothers.
·      Isabella’s discovery of Lorenzo’s Body.
·      The Fight of the Brothers and Isabella’s death.

                             In this The Poem ‘ Isabella ’ the character of Boccaccio there is a narrator . Philomena where as in Keats the narrative voice is that of Poet Himself .Isabella was a Lady from messina who falls in love with Lorenzo. Lorenzo was an administrator of her Brother’s fortune .later on brother of Isabella decided that they learn about the meeting of the lovers. than at first they are silent to avoid scandal, but one day they invited Lorenzo to a festival outside the city and murdered him . but here we can see John Keats use the fall of Gothic excess and over traditional lamentation as when melancholy is apostrophized either to ‘linger here awhile’ or to ‘turn eyes away’.                        

                           It is Perhaps not surprising that Keats came to see the poem as ‘ mawkish’ and also we can say that the brother of Isabella murder by Lorenzo but Isabella they don’t know about the think and Isabella know that the Lorenzo had to make a long journey abroad. but month pass and he does not return. Isabella mourns and pines the departure of her lover. one day at  night as she lay exhausted and sleeping. suddenly Lorenzo’s ghost appeared before her and he was pale, blood-drabbled with garments rent mouldy. here, John Keats use great skill for the murder of Lorenzo.
“these men of cruel clay
cut mercy with a sharp knife to the bone;”
                      But not only describes the banishment of the brother’s natural pity, but also focuses our attention on the means of Lorenzo’s death. than Isabella know that everything and at the morning he told her of her brother’s deed and asked her to find his body where it lay. than Isabella finds the grounds, where Lorenzo had been murdered. she brings back his head and buries it in a pot of basil she tends to this obsessively, arousing the suspicious of her brothers. and one day they steal away the pot and Isabella is left alone to die in pain,  morning the death of her one true love.

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